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Christmas means so many different things to different people. To some it is time for a break from work after a busy year. For others it is a time to celebrate with family and friends and exchange gifts. While for others it is a time to stop and celebrate the birth of the baby Jesus.
For me as a Christian it is a combination of the three. It is a time for a break, a time to exchange gifts with family and a time to remember the baby Jesus - His birth and what it means to me.
Today I want to share three reasons why Jesus was born at Christmas. Not three reasons why He was born on December 25th, but three reasons why He was born... why He came to us.
1. Jesus was born at Christmas to show God is not far off and distant
Some people I speak to think that God is far off and distant. They believe He is a creator who made this world, set it in place and watches from a distance. He is at arms-length and only takes a passing interest. They think there is no way that He is involved or intervenes in our world or lives.
If we look at the Bible we see this idea is far from a reality. We see that since the creation of the world God has been intimately involved. In Genesis we see that God walked with Adam in the cool of the evening in the garden. We see God gave Moses commandments on how we should live and relate to God and each other. We see God intervened by parting the Red Sea when His people we certain to die. God even sent prophets when His people were off track and needed to be brought back to Him. We see that there was Angelic visitations record in the Bible. God announced that Mary would become pregnant with Jesus and when Jesus was born Angels appeared again.
All these things point to a God who is not far off and distant. But the most important one of all is the birth of the baby Jesus. Jesus left the glories of heaven, the perfection of heaven to be born amongst us. He didn't come as a mighty King, He came as a humble baby born in a stable. Our carols that we sing use the word Immanuel. This means God is with us. The baby Jesus was God wrapped in skin. Nothing is more vulnerable than a new born baby. This is how Jesus came to show us what God is like. Not far off and distant, but close up and personal.
2. Jesus was born at Christmas to show God is for all people
One of the things I love about Jesus is that He is a Saviour for all people. In the Bible we see that He spent time with and reached out to people of all backgrounds and nationalities. This is especially interesting because at the time Jesus walked the earth, many people only spent time with people from their own people group. They did not mix with others because in many cases they thought they were unclean. Here are a few examples of the different groups of people Jesus spent time with -The Sadducees (Matthew 22:23), the Pharisees (Matthew 12:2-6), the Herodians (Matthew 22:15-22), the Romans (Luke 7:2), the Zealots (Luke 6:15), and the Samaritans (John 4:39-42). Combine this with Jesus spending time with other social outcasts of the day like tax collectors, prostitutes and lepers shows that Jesus was a Saviour for all people. He didn’t discriminate. He just genuinely loved and cared for people, no matter whom they were or what they had done.
Jesus was born at Christmas to show that He was a Saviour for all people. He doesn’t belong to one ethnic group, one social class of people or one period of time. He is the timeless Christmas gift – for all people, for all time.
3. Jesus was born at Christmas to save us
The ultimate reason why Jesus was born at Christmas was to save us. The Bible tells us in Luke 19:10 that Jesus came to seek and save the lost. And in Matthew 1:21 it says,, "And she will have a son, and you are to name Him Jesus, for He will save people from their sins".
The Bible tells us that salvation is found in Jesus Christ. John 14:6 says, “Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me". This verse tells us that Jesus is the way to the Father. The Bible also tells us in Acts 4:12 that there is no other way to find salvation. Salvation comes through Jesus Christ alone.
It was in that moment that I realised that God loved me so much that He sent Jesus into the world to save me. It began a journey where I came to the point over the next year of finding faith in Christ. My life took on a whole perspective and a whole new meaning. I didn’t feel alone in a crowd anymore. The hole inside me was filled. I realised I had a God shaped hole that could only be filled by Jesus. My life changed from being all about me, to serving God by serving others. The good news is Jesus came for you too. God moved heaven and earth for you. He loves you and cares for you with a love that stretches out from eternity. It is a love that pierces the darkness of this world and reaches it hand out to you. Today before I hand you back over to the music team, I want to say that God loves you, He is not far off and distant, He is for you and He wants to be a part of your life. I have left some little pamphlets called “Steps to Peace with God” at the back. If you are interested I would encourage you to take one and read it. It is my hope and prayer that God will speak to you and you will find the love of Christ this Christmas. Just like I did all those years ago, in 1989. God’s richest blessing to you all. Conclusion
Jesus was born at Christmas time to show you that God is far off and distant, that God is for all people including you and I, and that Jesus’ ultimate reason for coming at Christmas is to save us so we can spend eternity with Him.
Please note: You can find a copy of the “Steps to Peace with God” pamphlet here
By Dave Quinn Founder of PASSION Australia
Download the booklet